Fly Limit to control how much the timer the butterfly can fly

Author: Carlos Castro

In the game we wanted the butterfly just to be able to fly for a specific amount of time, the issue that we were having is to identify how we can make the butterfly fall until the butterfly hits the floor. in that way, the player doesn't pass the scene physics.

To solve this situation I had to work on the butterfly_BP where I was able to identify all the components that the butterfly had activated. Then On the capsule collider, I did an investigation related to physics. my idea was to activate the physics to the capsule collider and the mesh where going to be able to fall down to the ground when the physics simulation is activated. But then the question is when I want to activate that physic simulation for the butterfly character.

That is when I went to the UI that was attached to the character_BP and I did just a small change to make the timer. when the timer reached 0 then the physic simulation of the butterfly was going to be activated and the butterfly was going to be able to fall straight to the ground simulating a free fall.

In that way, I was able to solve this fly limit issue that I was having using the timer and the physics simulation for the butterfly character.

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